07885 990201 (Office Mobile)
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Telephone: 07866 764 960

Mobile: 07866 764 960

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://therapy-training.com/

Address: The Old School, Queen Camel, Yeovil, Somerset. BA12 7NH

John Wilks has been practising the Bowen Technique and Craniosacral Therapy full time since 1995, and works at two clinics in the south west of England. He originally studied music at Balliol College, Oxford where he won an instrumental scholarship, but shortly after leaving university developed a deep interest in body-centred psychotherapy approaches along with yoga and meditation. This led him to train in various complementary therapies before specialising in Bowen and Craniosacral work. He is a former chairman of the Bowen Association of the UK, the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK and the Cranial Forum. He has taught the Bowen Technique and Craniosacral Therapy since 1998 and has taught in many countries throughout the world including the UK, USA, South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Portugal, Norway, Israel, Australia, Central America, Brazil, Ireland, Austria and France. He is the author of 6 books – Choices in Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015), An Integrative Approach to Treating Babies and Children (2017), Using the Bowen Technique to address common and complex conditions (2014), Understanding The Bowen Technique and Understanding Craniosacral Therapy and The Bowen Technique - the inside story published in 2007. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences and in 2005 set up a two year practitioner training for midwives in Craniosacral Therapy, the first of its kind to be accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. He has been involved in setting up a number of charitable projects organising therapeutic work overseas, including after the wars in Bosnia and El Salvador. He is an Associate of the Royal College of Music, regularly plays in concerts in the south west and is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He runs a large internet based teaching programme specialising in delivering high quality webinars to health professionals. For more details see www.therapy-training.com and www.ehealthlearning.tv

Testimonials about John Wilks MA RCST BTAA

23.09.2018 Graham Neilson

SBP1 - Learning new moves.  The additional information on anatomy was really interesting and informative.

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