9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Module 11 is the first part of your Masters Course.
You will receive a new manual for this course. These procedures will "trouble shoot" problems tht have not been resolved with previously know procedures and offer more option for you to consider.
The content of the SBP2 manual is a compilation of those extra moves and procedures that have not previously been documents. As well as adding to the already consideraable range of procedures at your disposal it will encourage you to enhance your observational and assessment skills enabling you to "pinoint" more accurately which procedure or individual moves to chose.
Pre- requisites for Module 11 are:
• To have attained the SBP 1 Certificate at least 6 months prior to the SBP 2 course .
• Hold a current Full membership of the BA(UK) or your Country of origin
• Members applying for this course for the first time are required to send - a copy of their Advanced Certificate - with their application.
This course holds 16 hrs CPD allocation.