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Parliamentary report on Complementary Therapies

Growing demand identifies skills shortage 

A PARLIAMENTARY report has highlighted the need for more practitioners to meet growing interest in complementary therapy. As we seek to attract more therapists, as well as instructors through the route of becoming Training Assistant Candidates (TACs) this is an important message to encourage those who may be considering a career change.


“Following months of analysis and consultation, including input from Bowen Association UK and many other professional bodies, the report shows demand for a more holistic approach to healthcare is rising,” says Bowen Training UK chairman Helen Perkins.


“At the same time, there is a shortage of properly qualified and registered practitioners across all modalities.” This ‘skills gap’ is identified in the 2023 report by the government’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Beauty and Wellbeing.


The report recognises complementary therapy plays an important role in helping people take a proactive and preventative approach to health, or ‘even in identifying existing health conditions at an early stage’. Bowen Association UK and others contributed to this report, which stresses the need to ‘attract more talent and especially to ensure therapists receive the right training’ to become highly skilled professionals.


As experienced therapists, we should welcome this conclusion, a timely reminder of the importance of keeping up our own professional credentials with regular CPD training while stepping up our efforts to attract more students.


To help meet this demand, Bowen therapists may wish to train as an instructor, just like Diane Brown who recently joined our team of Bowen Technique instructors accredited by the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia. Based in Hampshire, Diane now offers training courses for anyone who wishes to become a Bowen Technique (Bowtech) practitioner, the route she herself followed, after finding great relief from treatment for a long-term frozen shoulder.


Bowen Training UK welcomes inquiries from anyone who wishes to train as a Bowtech therapist, regardless of age or employment background. The only requirement is an enthusiasm to learn and commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of the nation.


NOTE: The APPG report can be found in full on the Resources section of this website, where it has been added temporarily to Policies and Procedures.



















14 May, 2024