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Mind Body Bowen

The Mind Body connection and Bowen Technique is a powerful combination when listening to the body. Allows the client to be in a safe comfortable space using Mind Body Bowen (MBB) techniques to respond and release stress areas, bringing about relaxation and calmness to often long-term conditions.


Bowen moves are carried out carefully and with precise timing to help unlock tension areas built up in the body. These may arise from memories or the subconscious and may have been deeply buried or masked over the years. Specialised session/s such as MBB are helpful when a client is not getting better or needs to ‘tune in’ to the sensations felt in the body which are clues to where restriction or blockages are residing. The Bowen practitioner will be guided throughout the training in this 2-day workshop, that, by using mindfulness aspects and the ‘felt’ or interoceptive sense, Bowen can have a role in the release of post trauma stress including the enduring effects of Birth, prenatal and post birth issues. “Every body is better with Bowen” - whether for physical, emotional or mental presentations. As we clear residual tensions the person can become more embodied and present, connected to their ‘authentic self’ - all confirmation of the truly wholistic nature of this amazing modality.


Traditional medicine and energy concepts such as the Chinese meridians, chakras and the energy field surrounding the body will be observed and their links to muscles groups and Bowen Therapy procedures will be explored.    


Travelling over from Australia two very experienced Bowen Therapists and Teachers Margaret Spicer and Vianne MacBeth will present the course. Margaret Spicer last visited the UK in 2013 and this course was well received. Many members will remember the profound experience of learning the tools for MBB and may wish to return. Newer members open to the knowledge that health exists on various levels of mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, and more will be curious to learn how to help their clients. This workshop material is suitable for all Bowen practitioners, indeed many wish they had done this type of workshop early in their practice as it can give great insight into what is happening for their clients.


The CPD 2-day (16 hours) course is to be held in two locations: Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland and Horley, Surrey, England.  See dates and details below.     


Sunday 20th and Monday 21st October 2024

at the Victoria Hotel, 28 Victoria Road, Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY1 1DS.

Accommodation costs are £85 a night B&B for a double room or twin, £66 per night for a single person in a double room and £55 a night for a single room. Breakfast is included. Time of workshop days are 9.30am to 5.30pm.

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2024

at The Grove Neighbourhood Centre, London W6 0DT.  Time of workshop days are 9.30am to 5.30pm.


Cost of course is £280.00. To register interest as places will be limited, contact Nicola Hok as soon as possible to register your interest - for an application form please look on the resources part of this site - instructions of where to send it and how to pay a deposit are on the form.

phone or WhatsApp +44 (0) 7415 889 963.



08 March, 2024