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Bowen Online Courses

 Some of our tutors offer online courses at a time to suit you.


Currently on offer are:

Bowen Revision Workshops for Specialised Bowen Procedures (module 9/10) - John Wilks

Following on from his popular revision classes last year, in this online course, John will demonstrate moves and procedures from the Specialised Procedures 1 class (Modules 9 and 10).

Using live models, he will use multiple camera angles so that participants can get both close up and a bird’s eye view of the moves.  The course will be spread over 4 sessions of 4 hours in length and will include time for individual practice (with feedback from John) as well as questions and answers.

These online revision classes are designed for Bowen practitioners who have already completed an in-person class (module 9). They qualify for full CPD points with the Bowen Association UK

In these workshops, you will be able to:

  • refresh and deepen your knowledge and understanding of Bowen modules 9 and 10
  • acquire assessment tools to ascertain where to work and what moves to use
  • learn how to determine appropriate procedures for individual clients
  • be given techniques to refine your work and be more effective
  • refine your practical hands-on skills
  • deepen your understanding of why certain types of moves and procedures have specific effects on the body
  • find out how to vary your approach depending on the client’s medical history
  • learn how to work with the sensitive client when they have chronic conditions
  • understand how to vary your touch, speed, pressure and depth of moves depending on the effect you want to achieve in the body

The workshops begin with some theory and cover the anatomy about the procedures being practiced, followed by a practical demonstration on a live body in the studio.

This is filmed in such a way that the positioning of the practitioner’s hands and the position of the client will be super clear.

Course dates:

  • 21st September 2024 - 14.00 - 18.00
  • 28th September 2024 - 14.00 - 18.00
  • 26th October 2024 - 14.00 - 18.00
  • 2nd November 2024 - 14.00 - 18.00

Cost is £160 - www.ehealthlearning.tv


Attract Bowen Clients - Jacqui Hoitingh

Lots of Therapist work hard to get through their training and finally get their certificate but it can be so frustrating if you don't know how to then fill your Practice! Being a great Therapist and knowing you can help So many people is one thing, but how do you let people know you are here?? This, I have seen so many years, I see many Students do so well at their Module 7 but then don't really get business off the ground thereafter. This is very frustrating and you think ok, I need to have a website, that will bring people but after much expense that still doesn't work. So I decided perhaps making a short course on how to attain clients might be an idea to help Practitioners get the success they so want. So just how would it feel to have a full practice and earn the sort money you dreamed of when you set off on this journey? It would be really nice to treat yourself and your family to some luxuries. After 22 years in Bowen Therapy and 16 years as an Instructor, I have had all sorts experience in attaining clients, there wasn't Facebook when I started, so it was more local adverts and doing talks, later Social Media is an easy way to get known but you need to know how to use it to it's advantage as the algorithm can be very fickle and it changes regularly. So let me help you to attain more clients and feel more confident.
This course is run by Jacqui Hoitingh and can be found at  https://bowenclients.thinkific.com/courses/Attract-Bowen-clients

Learning about distance treatments:

What do you do if you cannot offer a hands on treatment? This course gives you a very good alternative by teaching you about Distant Healing.

In this Course you will get:

  • An email to send to clients
  • A download explaining how it works
  • A Consent and aftercare sheet to email to clients
  • An introduction Video
  • A Video with Full session of BRM1,2 &3 plus Respiratory and Kidney, procedures
  • A questionnaire to cement learning

This course is run by Jacqui Hoitingh and can be found at https://bowenclients.thinkific.com/courses/DH